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It seems obvious that a personal injury seeks to place an obligation on the defendant. The claimant wants the defendant to deliver a compensation package. Yet, if the claimant decides to file a lawsuit, then the plaintiff gets handed certain obligations.

The plaintiff must issue a timely notification to all of the responsible parties.

This obligation must be satisfied, if the plaintiff wants to proceed with the lawsuit. The failure to issue such a notification means the loss of the chance to win any level of compensation. How can a plaintiff be sure to satisfy this obligation in a timely manner? Lawyers suggest that the notification be sent to all the relevant individuals, businesses and organizations within 2 weeks of the reported accident.

The list of responsible parties could include a business, a specific company, an organization, an employer or the owner of a store or restaurant. Someone that got injured in a car accident would have reason to view the other driver as a responsible party. Someone hurt in a slip and fall incident could think of the property owner as a responsible party.

What information should be included in the notification?

The letter must give the name of the plaintiff, along with guidance on how to contact that same plaintiff. The letter should make clear the date, time and location of the accident for which the recipient of the letter may be wholly or partly responsible.

The personal injury lawyer in Arcadia knows that the letter should list the injuries sustained by the plaintiff. Any detailed information on a given injury is unnecessary. Details on any injury could be mentioned during any future negotiations. The letter’s contents should spell out the request being made by the plaintiff. In other words, those contents ought to state precisely what is being asked of the defendant. The plaintiff wants the defendant to compensate him or her for any sustained injuries.

Plaintiffs should request a reasonable amount of money. This notification is not going to set the stage for negotiations. It does provide a plaintiff with the chance to claim losses due to pain and suffering. At the conclusion of a trial, the jury has the ability to add any amount of money it wants to the plaintiff’s request for monetary funds. In the past, some juries have granted an especially large compensation package to the winner of a personal injury lawsuit.

No lawyer can tell what a given jury will decide, regarding the size of the awarded compensation. Still, any good attorney has learned how to highlight the level of a client’s pain and suffering. In that way, the attorney’s action should work in the client’s favor, and could aid achievement of a generous, court-ordered compensation package.